SCP-999 is an orange amorphous mass of orange slime, measuring 1 meter in height, SCP-999 weighs 50 pounds, SCP-999 cannot talk, But it will make a cooing noise, SCP-999 bounces around when giving it SCP-207, SCP-999 is not contained in a cell, But could be found in SCP-1356's containment chamber, SCP-999 is a Safe class SCP, When exposed to SCP-131, The two will hang out. When exposed to other SCPs, it will hug them and calm them down, when in contact, or near SCP-999 will make the person, or thing its hugging, or near, therefor making the thing, or person, feel 'Happy'
SCP-999 Is rarely in SCP-131's cell, due to the fact it is allowed to roam around the site it is held in for the month. Besides a bedtime of 7:00 PM To 8:00 PM
Note: SCP-999 provoked SCP-682 and they hung out for 15 minutes, before a MASSIVE containment breach, SCP-999 became an orange slimy bodybuilder, SCP-999 gone swimming one week before the containment breach, in 2004, SCP-999 went to space and landed on Site 56 destroying everything in a 10-mile radius, SCP-999 destroyed SCP-082's containment chamber when he caught SCP-018.
Prolonged contact with SCP-999 Is proven to cure Depression, PTSD, ETC.